Are you walking blindfolded? The importance of Google Analytics
It’s crazy.
You would never tell anyone to put on a blindfold and walk.
And yet, frankly speaking, that’s what so many businesses are doing.
When I ask the question, “do you know where your leads are coming from?”
I get everyone’s favorite answer, “Google.”
But what if I asked you, “do you know what people are doing once they visit your website?”
No one knows the answer to that question.
“Where are you losing people on your website?”
These are questions that as a business owner, you need to know.
If someone walked into your store, I hope you would observe those that walk in and then walk out without ever making a purchase.
If that happened a hundred times, you would start asking yourselves some questions, right?
I bet you would try changing some things up.
As of late, it seems like most of the businesses I am speaking with don’t have analytics set up properly on their website.
And they are walking blindfolded in business.
I don’t say this as a judgment but as a plea to let me help.
These are answers that you should know.
Marketing isn’t hard, but you need to understand the data.
If you want to know if you have things correctly set up on your website, please just fill your information on the contact us page!