Execution is Power
“Wants don’t get met consistently – standards do.” – Tony Robbins
This is something I have really been feeling lately.
I’m frustrated with where I am at.
I’ve read all the books, listened to all the videos, I just feel frustrated I am still not where I want to be. In this case, running my own business.
Many of you know – that I am still working full time as a sales manager. I’ve moved up through every company I have ever been in and quickly at that.
However, each time I move up there is still this frustration – this thought – I can and should be doing this on my own. I have a list of reasons….
I get frustrated that I’m not where I want to be – however if I’m honest outside of serving the clients that I already have through my own business – I can’t really say that I am making the actual efforts necessary to run completely on my own with my own business.
The crazy thing is – the clients that I do actually have – I have doubled their results.
It’s like there is this block between what I know and what I do.
I know I need to start reaching out to more people. Asking for referrals. Writing more emails like this one.
I’m guessing you probably have some holes in your business that you just know you have been ignoring. You know that if you fixed those holes it would take your business to the next level but you aren’t fixing them for various reasons.
I’m writing this to encourage you today.
We need to execute – the knowledge is meaningless if we aren’t executing.
Let’s move forward together today.
If I can help you with that – fill out the form submission on the contact us page.
If this email serves nothing more than encouragement or inspiration to you than I’m happy for that as well. After all, being an entrepreneur isn’t easy. We need to encourage each other.