Free Research I did to grow your business
I have been doing non-stop research on how to grow your business even in the midst of the times we are in.
Sidenote: I’m not going to hold back on giving you the answers to what I find. I know it’s a common method amongst marketers.
“I will give you a tease but if you want the full information you have to pay XXXX”
I don’t want to do that.
I want to provide you with good information and I want you to view me as a resource. Even if it’s just a research resource for your business to grow.
Sidenote ended:
Anyway, back to what I was saying…
The one thing that was consistent amongst everything I read was the importance of your database or email list.
I have watched countless webinars and have read countless books in each one there was a strong correlation between the number of names on their email list and the amount of revenue that was brought in each year.
Let me give you an example:
In 2008 Sally had 500 names on her email list and she brought in $20,000 in revenue.
Sally decided to pay more attention to her email list and in 2010 the names on her list grew to 5,000 and now she brings in $100,000 in revenue.
Let me say this as well, it doesn’t matter what industry you are in.
Here is a quote for you to remember — If you don’t have a list, you don’t have a business.
Here are a few reasons why email is better than social media:
- Email is not pay to play like social media is and there is no algorithm you have to figure out. You are not at the mercy of Zuckerburg. When you send an email, everybody on your list gets that email.
- Email is owned media. The names on your list, you own. However, on social media, if you have 20,000 followers and that platform decides to shut down, you are left with nothing.
- Email can lead to referral and better upsells.
Consider with me for a moment the fact that every Fortune 500 company has an email list they are actively using.
Guess what? If they are using their email list, it’s because it works…
My advice to you during this shut down would be to really focus on your email strategy. It’s FREE!
Please don’t send another “COVID 19 OWNER RESPONSE” – I think everyone will stab their eyes out.
Please do make sure your email list is really clean AND please make sure you have as much data on each customer as possible.
Please don’t think email doesn’t work. If you are saying email doesn’t work it’s because you are saying the wrong things and probably didn’t do it long enough.
Let me know if I can help give you some ideas on how to grow your list/database and if you are struggling to know what to say to your list I am willing to help with that as well.
Fill out the form submission on the contact us page and let’s start the conversation.