It should be simple
I’ve been thinking a lot about the importance of knowing your numbers lately.
As an example – if I asked you what your average cost per lead is, could you tell me?
Business becomes a simple game of mathematics once you know your numbers.
But once you know your numbers, you know how and why you should be advertising.
You actually know how much you should be spending on advertising.
Any big business knows their numbers.
And any big business knows the importance of advertising.
When they ask many big business owners what their biggest regret is – they say not advertising sooner.
They played it small for too long. They didn’t know their numbers.
Do you know that in some cases businesses are receiving a 3 or 4 times return on their investment? I recently just spoke with someone who is getting at 10 to 1 return on their investment.
Would anyone complain about these numbers? I DON’T THINK SO!
What systems do you have in place?
Or do you just leave everything to chance?
If your tired of leaving things to chance – if you feel like you are just feeling around in the dark – I would love to speak with you.
I can help you.
Let’s set up a time to talk. I’m not the boogeyman.
I make everything I do plain and simple. If I can’t explain what I am doing to my kid (who is 6) then I’m not talking plainly enough.
I’m transparent.
Marketing should be a multiplication effort – not a subtraction effort.
I will show you how I can multiply you.
Fill out the form submission on the contact us page and let’s start the conversation.
We will make the numbers work for you – whatever your budget.