My First Month Lesson
Is it crazy to anyone else that it’s already October?
I can hardly believe it, but I just completed my first month as a full-time business owner.
I have learned so much already in such a short period.
I was blessed with early success last month.
It shocked me how quickly success came, but that is often how God works in my life.
I was also fortunate enough to gain another business mentor – who coached me through a lot last month.
This coaching from my business mentor leads me to what I learned in month #1:
Here is the question my business mentor asked me:
Is there anything that you could be doing with your time that would generate a better ROI?
When I responded, “yes.”
His answer was simple “hire somebody.”
I didn’t expect that to be his answer, but with more experience and a few million in the bank, I decided to listen. 🙂
So with early success came the ability to make my first hire.
And I added a team member who is another digital marketing superstar, and we are already cranking unbelievable results for our clients.
It’s a lot of fun when everybody is winning!
So I want to pose that question to you:
Is there anything that YOU could be doing with your time that would generate a better ROI for your company?
If you need someone to take over your digital marketing, and you want to make digital marketing work for you, let’s have a conversation.
Digital marketing is what my company does, and we do it REALLY well!
In the words of my business mentor, “hire somebody.”
Just make that “somebody” my company. 🙂
You can fill out the form submission on the contact us page and let’s get the conversation started!