No List, No Business
It’s been a great week of business.
But I was reminded of something one of my marketing mentors taught me this week.
He would say this phrase “If you don’t have a list, you don’t have a business.”
It’s almost shocking to me the number of businesses that are almost wandering around in the dark.
No funnel.
They have no idea where they are taking their clients or what to do with clients once they get them.
No list. And by list, I mean email list. Names that you actually own.
Sure, maybe you land the job one time, but what about repeat business.
That one customer you land SHOULD have something called LTV. (Lifetime customer value)
Sure, a customer may come to you once – let’s say it’s a $300 value – but what about the upsells? What about over the course of their lifetime?
Will they come back 10 times? 5 times? 2 times? It adds up fast.
Stop looking at the one-time transaction and start focusing on what that one name means to your business over the lifetime.
Do you have a plan to bring them back?
Are you staying top of mind with them over the course of their lifetime?
Are you emailing your clients weekly?
Not spamming them with your latest amazing sales offer but instead educating them and showing them you are an authority in your space.
With all this being said, I will leave you with this question, and you should ask yourself this question EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK.
How many names did you add to your list this week?
The business with the most names wins 🙂
If you are confused about where to start with this and would like to have a conversation about it – I would love to chat with you.
Just fill out the form submission on the contact us page and let’s get the conversation started!