What We Learned
I wish I was writing this email and all of this was already over.
However, people are figuring out how to cope and continue on with life even if that means wearing a mask. (I miss being able to go out in public and not wear a mask)
One of the things that I have been considering is – what good has come from COVID for a business?
I have spoken with several of the business owners I speak with and COVID really made them realize where their fat was in their business.
They each had to make a conscious decision to review their inventory whether that was staff or physical product and figure out who or what really ads value.
It’s forced people to be innovative in the way that they do business – in many cases causing them to do things they will continue to do even once this virus passes.
With one of my most recent clients as an example – they decided to spend MORE money with me and I was able to help them make the right marketing/business decisions.
We literally cut their marketing budget in half but they are getting the same amount of leads. They had a company literally charging them 100% markup.
If there is one thing I can’t stand, it’s when people take advantage of people who don’t know. I hate a bully.
I also recently helped another client – get rid of a company that was literally taking money from him for doing nothing. They claimed they were helping him with SEO. What a SCAM!
If this is you and you need help with marketing – I want to help.
Zig Ziglar says “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.” < this is my philosophy. It’s why I don’t charge an arm and a leg.
Do you want to set up a time to talk this week? Just fill out the form submission on the contact us page and let’s set up a time to talk!