You are missing a BIG opportunity
Do you know that this morning there were already people searching on Google for what your business does?
People were already searching for plumbers, pavers, landscaping, painters in Orlando.
And the sobering thing is – someone got that business already.
Someone other company got a little richer today.
If someone searched – and you weren’t showing up – you missed it.
Do you know the cool thing about Google Pay Per Click? You only pay when someone visits your website.
You don’t pay to show up – you only pay when someone actually visits your website.
By the way – if they did the search THEY ARE SHOPPING for your services! Meaning they are a potential customer.
Those are visits worth paying for – that is considered qualified traffic.
Gone are the days of putting an ad in a magazine and crossing your fingers that someone in that circulation is actually in need of your services.
With Google Ad words you only show up in front of the people that are searching for your services.
If you are already doing Google PPC – amazing – congrats – you are doing the right thing – maybe you could be doing it better and I can help you with that but at least you get it.
If you aren’t doing Google PPC – you need to start. You can work with whatever budget you want – and it gets you qualified traffic (people that are shopping for your services) to your website.
If you have tried Google PPC before and given up on it – you were probably doing it wrong.
I’m happy to help with any of these. It’s time to stop fumbling around in the dark.
I don’t work for Google – I’m just a marketing consultant that knows what works. It’s not rocket science that you want to be showing up when people are searching for your services.
If you want me to try and put something together for you – let’s talk this week.
Just fill out the form submission on the contact us page and let’s start the conversation.